What Should I Expect?

Children are a vital part of our community at Trinity Church. We have Sunday School for children from one month to Fifth Grade.  If you would rather have your young children join you during the service, that is okay too. Youth are invited to participate in the regular worship service.

One month to three years       Nursery
Pre-K to Fifth Grade           Castle Room

If you are thinking of joining Trinity Church on Sunday morning, please feel free to come as you are. Our church is multigenerational with numerous perspectives and differing life experiences. As a result, you will find people dressed up and dressed down - either way, or something in between is okay by us.

As a visitor, we do not expect you to place monies in the offering plate. We would love it, however, if you would fill out the CONNECT form on the bulletin, tear it off, and place it in the offering plate. This allows us to stay connected with you.

In the beginning and after each service, opportunities are available to say hello to those around you. Feel free to introduce yourself, but never feel you are obligated to do so.

Trinity Church?

What About My Children?

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